What doe’s propagation mean?

What is DNS propagation?

DNS propagation is the process of locally updated Name Server information being discovered and updated by the DNS servers of Internet Service Providers (ISPs)  globally across the Internet.

This process relies on DNS servers’ refresh rate (time period between acquiring new information for locally cached DNS records), and therefore DNS changes will not be shown instantaneously across the Internet.

How long does propagation take?

Propagation will depend on your approximate location to the domain’s Name Server.  If you are connecting to a domain registered by us and are:

  • Within Australia = 2 hours
  • Outside Australia = 4 hours
  • New domains regardless of location = 6 hours

Due to advances in technology however, some ISP’s can refresh within 20 minutes. But you should expect up to 4 hours for most people to find your domain online.

I’m making changes to my website content.  How long before that becomes available?

Changes made to a website content are not affected by DNS propagation because, provided the DNS information is correct, the registry information will show a correct pathway to the hosting server where the website content is stored. Any delay in displaying updated content on your website is therefore controlled by the application cache and occasionally ISP cache. Hold down left shift and click the Refresh button on your browser to clear local application cache and reload the website content.

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